mile-a-minute photo gallery
Photo by Renee Sullivan
A closeup of Mile-A-Minute Vine showing the equilateral triangular leaves, tiny barbs, and blue fruits. Please note that fruit is not always present on MAM—look for the triangular leaves and tiny barbs on a vine and call if you see any!
Our first major M-A-M pull in 2006 with the Not-In-My-Backyard team! Pullers include dignataries and committee members alike.
Photo by Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,
Mile-A-Minute at the edge of a wood. The vine is comfortable in both sun and shade, quickly covering everything in its path.
Photo by Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,
This photo from Les Mehrhoff shows how Mile-A-Minute always reaches upwards. See the description on the “What Is M-A-M ? ” page.
more photos to come...